June 28, 8:45 am--two babies in the box, one adult on the building. But it was pretty quiet during the brief time I watched. I have no idea where the other adult or the other one or two babies are.

June 28--1:30-2:30 pm. ALL FOUR BABIES appear!! At first it appeared that just one was in the box, and that one walked around quite a bit, but when the female flew in, the other two popped up--those were in addition to the one on the ledge. That one walked with wings fluttering back and forth a couple of times.
  THis is the baby that was waddling along on the ledge. BIg mama
    Best one showing all four babies--one on ledge, two in back of box, one in front. After stretching its wings, that one turned around and went back into the box.


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